I’m holding a demo at Cranleigh RDA on April 6th, 2 – 4.30pm where I’ll be bringing a number of horses to work. I’ll be showing the German training scales and how they can be applied to benefit horses of all sorts of different breeds, ages, disciplines and levels. I will ride a few horses and some of my clients will also ride so the audience can see how different horse and rider combinations can work. The aim is for everyone attending to leave with something to take away and work on themselves.
The German Training Scales are the most tried and tested ways of understanding the way of going and are:
● Rhythm
● Suppleness
● Contact
● Impulsion
● Straightness
● and eventually, Collection
I’ll be focussing on rhythm, suppleness and contact in particular as, without these, it is difficult to progress to the next scale. The Scales of Training are helpful checks on the way of going for the rider when doing a movement, for the judge when marking a movement, and the spectator when looking at a movement. When there is rhythm, suppleness, contact, impulsion, straightness and in the more advanced tests collection, the way of going is good.
Tickets are £20 (minimum donation) with all proceeds are in aid of Cranleigh RDA Group.Register online at: www.myridinglife.com. Further information at https://www.facebook.com/events/549264162235454/ or email events@cranleighrdagroup.co.uk. Refreshments will be available. The event will take place at Cranleigh RDA – Casi’s Farm, Rowly Drive, Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 8PL.